Month of Love - February 2022
Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island |
February is the month of L💗VE - Less days but way more photos. Click on photos to enlarge.
Unfortunately in our country there is still so much division and anger. I could quote a whole bunch of MLK or Fred Rogers right now but I won't. We've seen them all before, (the quotes) but sadly we continue in the US vs THEM camps. It seems increasingly so. Easy to call anyone we don't agree with a Nazi. I see each side doing exactly what they are accusing the other side of doing, often worse. We become the very monster we want to slay. It makes me so sad.
I have learned that this sadness and distress is heightened in me because I am an enneagram 9. I see both sides and I want peace!! Or at least a civil conversation.
As I type this, I am very aware that I have to look at the log in my own eye before I call out the speck in my brother's eye. I think if we had conversations with each other, really listened, we would find that although yes, there are extreme views on either side most of us don't really fit in either extreme, we just put each other there with our assumptions and judgements. Every person has a unique story, an experience and a reason for their beliefs and actions, whether we understand or agree or not.
Even more unfortunately, as we move toward the end of the month Russia is invading the Ukraine. It's easier to kill and destroy when your target is "the other". Less than human.
I hope we don't end up with escalated violence in Canada.
All over Facebook there posts in support of the Ukraine and prayers offered up.
I am praying. In addition, I strongly feel YES AND...
I posted this on Facebook: I have been praying for Ukraine but I have been praying for Russia too, if not more! A change of heart is needed. Revelation and transformation. There is no us and them. There is only us. Not all Russians want this. I pray that those who have been assigned to kill and destroy refuse. That's how war can stop. They may lose their position or lose their own life in doing so but there is always a choice. I did hear of a Russian troop that surrendered themselves to the Ukrainians. Good for them! What courage! They didn't want this. I have since heard other similar stories. So inspiring and hopeful. I also posted photos of Russian people in the streets protesting the attacks. This could get them imprisoned and possibly killed. I pray for continued courage and protection for them. Their sacrifice is not in vain. Many others around the world are stepping up to help those who are fleeing.
I know I said I wasn't going to quote Fred Rogers but I am reminded of this one.
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers.
Loss: Early in February my cousin Debbie passed away. She lost her battle with cancer. She was fun and funny, extremely creative and always so welcoming. She will be missed and remembered for her sense of humour, love of life and huge heart. So many memories 💔 Joining my cousin Dino who passed in 2015.
There have been some truly heart breaking events in February and other losses. 💔 Not all mentioned here.
L💗VE carries us through
Ongoing or New Theme Words for February: (not all used in this post)
You are here/Just as you are
Fear Not
Tree of Life
Pilgrimage Trail
Consuming Fire/ Mountain
The Table
February Highlights:
1 - I am still consistently and successfully following the rhythms I wrote about in January's post. So life giving for me. I see and feel the fruit of it.
You can check it out if you didn't see it and don't know what I am referring to.
2- On one of the nights Avery came for supper we had an unexpected Minecraft theme. Square waffles, which he called Minecraft waffles and followed by Minecraft yoga. He didn't know I have been doing yoga daily and I didn't know he did yoga, and he asked if we could do yoga together. My heart burst. This is Cosmo Kids yoga and they have a Minecraft one. What a fun evening!
4 - Cadence made Nathalie a heart of snow. I thought it was pretty cool! Pardon the pun
5 - Donna M. A dear friend from PEI moved to the US and then I moved back to BC and we lost touch.
We finally connected via Zoom after almost 10 years. I thought it would be awkward or weird at first but it felt like we picked up right where we left off. Such a thrill and I was literally giddy all day! We definitely won't wait another 10 years.
7 - Our Anniversary Weekend Get -Away to Vancouver Island. So many photos it was hard to choose. I only picked a few compared to what we have.
Amazing wood burning fireplace. Got good use out of this |
Beautiful hike to Englishman River Falls |
I actually walked across that bridge you see in the distance |
This rooster was posing for me. The chickens gave us fresh eggs for breakfast |
Found gorgeous Rathtrevor Beach. I love playing on the beach even mid-February. The sky was so blue. |
Our shadows down below |
8 - Crystal's 14th Birthday
9 - A half day of work for Tommy and I so we could attend a conference but first a lunch date at Estrella's Montreal Deli. Such a treat! Sorry it's a food picture but it was oh so good!
A taste of home. I really wished I could bring my brother Paul here. |
10 - We were looking forward to this conference for months. Full weekend (on live zoom) with this crew. I have taken many Open Table classes and attended conferences these last 2 years that have literally helped me through the pandemic.
I am so grateful to all these people and more not shown. I have learned so much. |
My February Pilgrimage Trails:
February Quote: I heard this twice, read it in my devotional and saw it on Facebook
Every one of us is shadowed by an illusory person: a false self. This is the man that I want myself to be but who can't exist because God does not know anything about him. And to be unknown to God is altogether too much privacy.
-Thomas Merton
February Songs Playing on Repeat:
Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill
Rob Thomas - Fire On The Mountain
Paul McCartney - Calico Skies
I want to learn Calico Skies on the Ukulele. That is my goal (maybe dreaming in technicolor)
February Video Clip on Repeat: So cool. Watched it over and over. Under 5 mins long
Tree of Life from Bible Project
February Memories: Precious memories coming up on Facebook I want to preserve in case I ever lose my Facebook account for whatever reason
Year 1986 - Wedding at People's Church. Deux Montagnes, Quebec
Year 2008 - Memories from February 25, 2008 (no photo)
Very first post on this day: On my way to the Kelowna hospital - Nat is having contractions
And then second post: is celebrating 2nd little granddaughter Crystal born at 3:19 today weighing in at 6lbs 13oz
Year 2011 - PEI (no photo)
Tommy and I went to yoga class this morning. At the end of class when we do the relaxation part the teacher said to think of something that makes you happy, could be a person, place, hobby etc...Tommy and I both thought of Kayleb without the other knowing. I thought that was pretty neat!! 

Year 2013 in PEI - After all my years of teaching figure skating (many moons ago) I have NEVER felt so fulfilled and so proud as I did this afternoon!!! We took the girls skating for the first time on an outside patch of ice here at the cottage. We did not spend our time hanging on to them and killing our backs. (a teacher can't do that with whole whack of kids) I taught them first to stand, then to march, how to get up when they fall and sure enough only about 15min in they were already doing a little actual skating!!!
They were so thrilled...Cadence even kept saying how proud of herself she was! My heart was bursting and my cup runneth over!! This is what it's all about. 

Year 2019 - Aldergrove, BC
On this day 11 years ago we received such a gift! Crystal Anastasia.
The time has gone so fast. Love you to the moon and back girlie Girl! Xoxo |
Year 2020 - Poem I wrote for her 12th Birthday
Looking Forward To:
-Spring Break. Our annual vacation tradition continues. The girls are coming for 10 days!
Counting the sleeps!!
My Challenge:
-30 Day Yoga Challenge
-Upcoming Lent
-Less talking and opinions. More listening and understanding.
Ways you can join us in helping others:
1 - My very talented friend Jane paints and sells these rocks to help fundraise for a great cause. They make and serve delicious hot meals to the homeless in Abbotsford and to help a family in Afghanistan.
If you would like to donate please let me know. Different colours available.
Perfect for gardens, leaving as encouragement on trails or home decor |
Ukraine inspired. |
2 - My friend Greta participated in Coldest Night Of The Year. A walk to help raise money for the homeless in our community - Donations are accepted until March 31st. Click link for more info
-Last year I was having problems with some blood test results and when I tried to make improvements over the summer, the numbers actually got worse. Finally this month the numbers came down better than before I started. I know it's from the yoga, walking trails and doing stairs in our building instead of taking the elevator. I am so inspired to keep going and make it even better. The numbers still need to come down a little but I am so happy with the drastic improvement in a short time.
-Growing out my bangs for the first time in 50 years!
-Getting this post done
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