A Moment of Silence

Wake up! Wake up!
Hear the sound
Bullets fired all around
So much pain
And loss and grief
Will there ever be relief?
Brother, Sister
Daughter, Son
Mother, Father marching on
Into battle
The night is long
But we will sing your victory song
Our flag waves high
The wreaths are laid
The band will play for you this day
We give thanks
We bow our heads
For the living and the dead
To you the honour
And praises be
For Canada so strong and free
You’ve stood on guard
You’ve paid the debt
A moment of silence
Lest we forget

Dede Nicholson November 9, 2014

Dedicated to Great Uncle Bill Holden



  1. Looking forward to more posts... so excited you're BLOGGING!

  2. Wow! This is a really beautiful poem. Thanks so much for sharing this Dede.

  3. My goodness this is so good Dede. Thank you for sharing.


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