Rhythm - January 2022

We get the most beautiful sunrise views from our living room.
A love letter in the sky to start the day.

Happy New Year! (Better late than never)

We're still in the middle of a pandemic. There is still a lot of divisiveness and anger. So sad.  Especially in the news and on social media. So scary.  I want to try and write for myself now and capture monthly happenings.  To remember some highlights of my own news, my own story. That's all I can control and all that I am responsible for.  Love God and love my neighbour.

If we want a good year we probably can't count on 2022 being good. But we can create goodness in our immediate proximity through prayer, kindness, generosity, and friendship. - Brian Zahnd

I read a quote that said Give people a piece of your heart rather than a piece of your mind. Here is my attempt.

   My word for 2022 is Rhythm. This came to me in the fall of 2021. My word of the year tends to come to me in the fall on a regular basis. I don't know why. I like that it really gives me time to mull on it and figure it out before I set my goals for the New Year. What do I want to accomplish, focus on? What do I need? What I am missing from my life? What is God trying to teach me or show me? I never pick my word, it picks me.
I am living in a new home, new community, and now my sister lives with us too. Finding a new rhythm in all these "news" seems very fitting. 

 Jumping back to December. December was a hard month. Work was crazy busy and between covid restrictions, and all of us (including my son and his family who are part of our bubble) taking turns fighting bad colds, and my bad diverticulitis attack etc.. all plans were either postponed or just cancelled. No Christmas eve or Christmas day get togethers either. Discouraging and depressing but necessary. I spent almost 2 weeks in bed that month and had a lot of time to think and pray. In one of my prayer times I was having a bit of a meltdown with Jesus. I kept getting a picture like on a map in the mall that shows YOU ARE HERE. Except I was freaking out because I felt like I wasn't where I SHOULD be. I wasn't lost but I was terribly behind. In the wrong spot. Feeling like I needed to fix this. Why was I so messed up? Not enough. Failing. 
You Are Here - a painful, glaring reminder of my not enoughness. 
But this is what came out of my prayer time(s) and some things I have been reading that addressed exactly that. 
My Name: Beloved 
My Message: Fear not (apparently 365 times in scripture) one for each day. Good thing as I need to hear this at some point every day.
 In My Reading: You are here. Live in the present - fully in the imperfect now. You cannot get there you can only BE here. 
 Yoga: I signed up to do Daily Yoga with Adriene for the month of January. The theme for January is Movement (Rhythm)  Her emails in the first few days literally said 
Dear Dede, Thank you for signing up for MOVE! Above all, today is the X on the map… YOU ARE HERE. The journey starts NOW.

 New Years Day - I believe that how I start my New Years day kind of sets the tone for the year. I try to be intentional. I started by watching the movie The Way (again). Significant in that it ignites a yearning for a pilgrimage and that we shared it as a couple.

I was feeling better and finally able to get out for walk in the woods. What I so desperately needed.  

On the trail this YOU ARE HERE sign stood out to me.

 It really got my attention. I felt seen and heard, getting what I needed. Comforted. Right where I should be. Right where I am. Loved in that place. Beloved. I also realized I don't need to "go" do a pilgrimage like the Camino. (although that would be awesome) I have truly amazing trails right where I am close to home and that spiritual space within me.
An aside: I was going to attempt to count down the Kms every time I go on one of these walks until I get to the approx 780 kms of the Camino but I don't have the proper technology to count kms so it quickly became too frustrating and I gave up on that part of the idea.

My new rhythm so far:
1- Reading/Prayer.  I set up a basket on my lower end table shelf that has my daily books and journals. It includes one daily meditative devotional, one fiction and one non fiction book. My Bible and 2 different types of journals. I read/meditate/journal every evening at bedtime. Except Saturday mornings when I have my tea and contemplative exercises in bed before I get up. I am really excited that I found this system that works for me.  Everything is right where I need it. I feel joy and sometimes giddy when I look at my basket. I have a routine that is easy to follow and helps me wind down at bedtime. 
2- Yoga. As I mentioned I found Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. It is a free daily yoga practice all 30 mins or less. Most average 20 mins so far. The girls often join me through facetime. Denise usually does it with me and I have learned that many of my nieces and nephews are doing the same one as well. So fun to know we are all connecting this way. I actually look forward to it every day even though I am not very good at it yet. Being overweight and arthritic it's hard to find something I can stick with. This has been perfect and I am already seeing improvement. 
3- Pilgrimage Trails. On weekends (or any chance I get) I seek out spots that aren't just walks but pilgrimage trails.  An intentional time of walking, seeking, contemplating, connecting with nature, with God. 
4- Couple Time. Tommy and I have tea and a devotional time every morning and a weekly marriage devotional - Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.  The daily devotional we are doing is a podcast (Bible Project App) and does not do a reading of verses. It is following the movement of the scripture stories. They are constantly using that word and other of my theme words. (tree of life, spirit, breath, movement etc.) We are getting so much out of it.
We walk together, pray together, plan together and consistently keep up with date nights. Oh and lots of giggle fits! 
5- Family Time. We typically take Avery out for supper once during the week and have him for a sleepover at least 2 or 3 weekends a month (when we are all healthy) . We also get together with James & Brooke and Avery for nature walks and dinners at our place or theirs. We are so very grateful they moved so close by especially during this pandemic.  It has made all the difference in the world for us and not something we ever dreamed would happen.
We FaceTime regularly with Nathalie and the girls.  I am doing an anxiety book for girls with Nat and Cadence and Crystal on Wednesday nights (this started a couple of years ago, we're on the second book) and they often join Denise and I for yoga during the week through facetime. We love listening to the girls laugh as they attempt the moves and accidentally hit or fall into each other.  And as Cadence noted, we are 2 sisters doing yoga with 2 sisters. So fun.

Ongoing or New Theme Words for January:  (not all explained in this post)
Tree of Life
Pilgrimage Trail
You Are Here - Imperfect Now
Fire (Consuming Fire)
The Table

January Highlights:

1-  I had a medical appointment at the Delta hospital so Tommy and I took a vacation day from work and made the best of it.  The horrible rain we've been having held off and we were able to go for an hour long walk along the dyke. We had sunshine! The drive was beautiful through an historic part of town. Old farm houses, barns and fisheries.  There were tons of bald eagles. So many we lost count. We saw Blue herons, swans and many other types of birds. We also heard the ferry horn and later saw it sailing. That's right up there with hearing a train for me. Wanderlust. The walking trail was perfect. Ocean on one side of me and farms on the other side.  In my opinion, the only thing better than a view of the ocean or a view of a farm, is views of farms ON the ocean. The perfect pair. Very PEI ish.  My all time favourite combination. I  felt like I was walking my own Camino pilgrimage,  right in my own backyard.  Breathing in the air, feeling inspired and fulfilled. This hour long walk, right where I am, just as I am. I am truly on my way! The world can be crazy and scary sometimes especially now, but life is good! I am so grateful for life! The breath that gives me life and breathed into this beautiful creation. The water, the trees, the birds, the breeze. Encircled and enveloped by the creation formed by this breath. We are all connected through that breath and Spirit of Life and Love. The One who holds us all in His hands. I am so in awe and filled with gratitude and peace.  
You can click on photos to make larger.

View on one side of the trail

View on the other side of the trail

2 - A little late to the party but I learned I am an Enneagram 9.  No shock there I am sure. I did several tests and checked different types of sources. Some fascinating revelations. 

3- Family Facetime twice this month with siblings. It was Darlene's and Darcy's birthdays and Darcy & Rose's anniversary. First time since pandemic that we've done this and won't be the last. So fun and so important to connect.

4 - Avery turned 6 years old. So grateful we were able to have a little party outside even in January and the rain held off.
There was the most beautiful sunrise on the morning of his birthday.

Happy 6th Birthday Avery!

 My January Pilgrimage Trails:

Aldergrove Park New Years Day
Aldergrove Park New Years Day

Brunswick Point Ladner -  Day of Appointment 
 Feeling so grateful and grounded.
To my left farm and to my right the ocean.

January Verse:  This keeps popping up everywhere and really speaks to me

January Videos: I keep watching these over and over

Kevin & Kyra singing a Beatles song on the Ukulele with their farm animals   https://www.facebook.com/KevinBacon/videos/1093445964802042

January Memories:  These are precious memories coming up on Facebook I want to preserve in case I ever lose my account for whatever reason.

Year 2014 - 
Just before Mom and Dad N's 50th wedding anniversary surprise party.
Tommy and I took them out for Chinese dinner. It was just the 4 of us and it was wonderful to hear them reminisce about the day they eloped and how they went out for chinse food that day too. 
 It will be a time I treasure forever and such a gift as it was the very last time we had together just us. So grateful.
Sure do miss them!! 

Year 2016 -  
No words to describe the joy and relief of seeing this precious little peanut.
6 weeks premature but all is well. James and Brooke did amazing. So proud of you two!
Introducing Avery John Nicholson born January 22 at 5:48pm weighing in at 5lbs 4oz of perfection! 

First time holding Avery. My precious little peanut. So hard to say goodbye.
I will see you again at the end of March and you will be so big by then. 

Year 2017 -

Rest and comfort after her baby brother's funeral. We both fell asleep. That was his bear.
This will always be a favourite memory of a very hard but tender intimate moment.

Year 2019 -  
Mister Jonny Hariiis!!
Such a thrill of a lifetime to be part of  an episode of Still Standing
in Harrison and to share that with Lee. What an amazing evening!
Still feels like a dream.  Thank you Jonny! 

Looking Forward To: 
- Our 36th wedding anniversary get-away to Vancouver Island which is a 2 hour ferry ride. Staying on a farm by the ocean.  A real wood burning fireplace
- Crystal's birthday in February 
- Booking vacation dates and planning holidays with the girls.
- Getting my ukulele and playing with Lee (if I can manage to play)
- February's Post

30 Day Yoga Challenge and 

- Cleared out more photo bins from the storage locker.
- Thanks to a month of yoga I can now get up and down quickly. I no longer need help getting up off the floor!
- Getting this post done!  Doing so is a good reminder of how wonderful life is and how much I have to be grateful for!  (I feel I only scratched the surface in what I shared but had to edit for time, space and privacy)



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