From Peace 2018 into Faithful 2019
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My cousin sent me this wall hanging from back east last year, not realizing I had come to the conclusion that my word for 2018 was PEACE. We are definitely kindred spirits. |
What comes to mind when you think of the word peace?
Peace of mind
Peace and quiet
Peace on earth
Peace that passes understanding
Peace out man/ Peace Love
Sleep in heavenly peace
If you look up peace in the dictionary you will see things like:
freedom from disturbance, tranquility, serenity,
freedom from or cessation of war or violence,
a ceremonial greeting, handshake or kiss exchanged in some churches
used as a greeting or an order to remain silent.
The origin is old French pais and latin pax - peace

Back in 2017 I was struggling. I knew I was lacking peace in my life and I knew some of what was needed to achieve it. I didn't want to go one more year like that. I set out to intentionally find and create peace in my life where I knew I could.
I have learned.
Peace is not something you wish for, it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away. - Robert Fulghum
Whatever you can’t stand about yourself — Jesus stands closest to kiss that place with grace, and you can feel it come over you — that peace that passes all understanding.
There is a peace that passes all understanding because there is One who stands in your painful places — and takes that pain.
-Ann Voskamp
-Ann Voskamp
I recommend this article. You can open the link on a new tab
How to Evict Worry, Anxiousness and Fears from your Holidays (and Life)
There were a few really big hurdles that I needed to overcome. A relocation/move, a hard and potentially risky conversation that needed to be had and that had been put off far too long, clearing out my facebook friends list, dealing with some hard things at work, emotional care and treatment, grounding, greater discipline in surrounding myself with things that were life giving instead of feeling trapped on a tread mill that I had no control over. Surrender to, and to trust the Prince of Peace. The person who is peace.
By God's grace and with great courage, those hurdles and others were tackled and with it came the peace I so longed for and much more.
Peace has been found and continues to be something I am intentional about and guard. Just like or perhaps as a result of practising my Sabbath. I know peace will never be a final destination. It is a journey and something I must choose daily, but it sure feels good to be on the right track. Seek and you will find.
In the fall of 2018 I attended a ladies retreat with a friend. This is one of the hymns we sang. I didn't know it and to be honest didn't particularly care for it or enjoy singing it. It did nothing for me.
However later on in the retreat it was used in a contemplative prayer exercise. I can't remember exactly what the questions were but I think there were 4 or 5 of them and something to the effect of
What word or phrase really stands out to you?
What is God working on in your life right now?
What is something you struggle with?
You get the picture. We underlined our word or phrase with a different colour pencil for each answer. Each of us had very different results and some very different words or phrase for each answer.
I basically kept underlining the same words over and over. If you put them all together this is what you get.
find the quiet centre in the crowded life we lead, clear the chaos and the clutter, see all the things that really matter be at peace and simply be
If you know me, you know this has also been part of my journey for the last few years. Becoming intentional, becoming minimalist, learning how to practise the sabbath, seeking the father's will and heart for me, to be at peace.....
No more good intentions or great ideals. No more one days or some days.
No more I'm too overwhelmed, too busy, too distracted, too tired, there's too much going on...
God has been so faithful to me. I will be faithful to Him, to myself and to others.
This word came to me towards the end of 2018 and I began right then to put it into action. I have seen the fruit of this already. I am so encouraged and inspired. I also realized that just like peace, it is one of the fruits of the spirit.
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5 :22-23
This verse has been very meaningful to me for the last 4 years, and yet once again I am surprised to find how it has been coming full circle and how the links are connecting without my even being aware. Sometimes my life feels like a series of dot to dot images. I go about from day to day and every once in awhile get a glimpse of one of the images and realize God really did have a purpose and a plan all along. There really is is no coincidence or random point. I am also learning slowly but surely that the journey is much easier and much prettier if I follow His lead.
I do not have any new year's resolutions but I do have goals. Goals to make the best of what life I have left. My brother's death has reminded me of the brevity of life. My heart's desire is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. That I can align with how the Spirit is moving so I can have the privilege of participating and cooperating in my Father's will. I pray the fruit will be evident in my life and a blessing to others.
Here is another recent article that has been inspiring to me by Courtney Carver
She says "every big change is the result of 100 tiny steps." A Toast to The Tiny Steps

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