Marvel The Mustang - Written on this day in 2010
Marvel The Mustang St-Eustache, Quebec late 1960’s . I was the happiest little girl in the whole world the Christmas I got my Marvel The Mustang. I was a pre-schooler but I remember it so vividly. He was my best friend. I told him all my secrets and I would feed him little dough balls that I would make by squishing up slices of white bread. Thinking back, I don’t know why I never got in trouble for this. It could be because I hid the evidence very well but I like to think it was because my mother understood the special bond we shared. On occasion at bedtime I even chose him instead of one of my stuffed animals to sleep with. Then one day I was walking home from school and from a distance I could see my oldest brother lifting Marvel into his van. He was packing up to move to Ontario. I started running but it was too late. He never saw me. I just stood there helpless, fighting back the tears as the red v...