Month of Love - February 2022
Rathtrevor Beach Vancouver Island February is the month of L💗VE - Less days but way more photos. Click on photos to enlarge. Unfortunately in our country there is still so much division and anger. I could quote a whole bunch of MLK or Fred Rogers right now but I won't. We've seen them all before, (the quotes) but sadly we continue in the US vs THEM camps. It seems increasingly so. Easy to call anyone we don't agree with a Nazi. I see each side doing exactly what they are accusing the other side of doing, often worse. We become the very monster we want to slay. It makes me so sad. I have learned that this sadness and distress is heightened in me because I am an enneagram 9. I see both sides and I want peace!! Or at least a civil conversation. As I type this, I am very aware that I have to look at the log in my own eye before I call out the speck in my brother's eye. I think if we had conversations with each other, really listened, we wou...