Eye and Heart Surgery

When I was in my very early twenties, married and already a parent, I decided to read the entire Bible from beginning to end. To take scripture reading much more seriously. As I read through the Old Testament and the journey of the Israelites I found myself becoming quite frustrated with them. Wow they really didn’t get it!! They had God right there with them and what did they do over and over? They whined, they complained, they doubted, they made fear based decisions, they were selfish and seemed to forget what God had already done. Thank you God that I am not an Israelite. Then life happened. Certain circumstances beyond my control and some of my own doing. I whined, I complained, I doubted, I made fear based decisions. I was selfish and distracted and I seemed to forget what God had already done. Then a light bulb went on. A new lens. Oh God I am no different than the Israelites! In fact I am worse because I judged them, and I know more of the story...