A Letter to My Younger Self

My Younger Me A Letter to My Younger Self. This has been a thing the last few years. Articles and books have been written and songs have been song. I never paid much attention or got into the letter for my younger self trend. Things happen, or don't. You live, you learn. You move on. Why would I spend the time doing that exercise when there are barely enough hours in a day as is? Until recently. Mark 12:30-31 - This verse has been on my heart for months. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbour as yourself. The 2 Greatest commands from Jesus. There is no greater than these. Everything else should fall into place if we could only do these. I want to give God every area of my life. I want to serve him with every area of my life. This also includes self care because he created me. This is what I want to share about today. I think 4 different ways are mentioned because ...