Thanks Facebook Memories..Totally forgot I wrote this in 2014

My Advent Candles T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, I could hear Tommy snoring, he scared off that mouse! The gifts are all wrapped, the bags are all packed awaiting the morning, I best hit the sack. But first, before I lay down my head, I must light candles, read advent, eat cookies instead. I'll eat and I'll read, I'll ponder and pray. Jump out of bed in the morn and we'll be on our way! Through snow covered mountains, a possible avalanche or two, we'll do it for family - heck wouldn't you?! To see grandkids and kids, family, friends, and their brother. Oh the anticipation, my heart is aflutter. I'll end on this note, I wouldn't wish you much love and the best Christmas yet! God Bless us everyone! Thankfully did not get stuck in an avalanche but we did drive through a Winter Wonderland