
Showing posts from January, 2021

One Less

     One less bin of keepsakes weighing me down… Precious memories. So many greeting cards.  Cherished moments, the handwriting, the gestures. Instead I will keep them in my heart. Let some more things go.  The things kept out are displayed or useful. Not doing any good at all in a box where they were not holding their place of honour or purpose.   I wrote a letter to my dad. Then did some more healing. Loving him all the more. Connecting all the more, not less.  I have gained.   One less box in storage…. the “ I don’t know what to do with it” stuff…here just for now, but just for now turned into a long time.  Not all, but most could go.  Recycling or give away bin. That bin I just emptied already fulfills a different purpose and will benefit someone else.  Valuable real estate freed up.   I have gained.   One less box in my cupboard….VHS from days gone by.  Some favorite shows and movies fun and dramati...